O Pecha Kucha Night Guimarães, Volume 01, chegou!!
A 1ª edição deste evento "20x20" está marcada para o dia 15 de Outubro de 2011 em lugar e tempo a apresentar.
O Pecha Kucha Night Guimarães, Volume 01, chegou!!
A 1ª edição deste evento "20x20" está marcada para o dia 15 de Outubro de 2011 em lugar e tempo a apresentar.
A coordenação do evento está a cargo dos arquitectos José Martins e João Rosmaninho DS e as candidaturas deverão ser enviadas até ao dia 01 de Outubro para o email: pechakucha.guimaraes@gmail.com.
Siga-nos também no facebook!
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Os interessados deverão enviar a seguinte informação:
1- Nome + idade + contactos (email e tlm);
2- Área criativa + website (se houver);
3- Sinopse da apresentação + 3 jpgs ilustrativos da apresentação.
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O PKN-SERIES consiste na apresentação de trabalhos em formato "20x20", ou seja, através de 20 imagens com a duração de 20 segundos cada uma.
As regras oficiais dizem que cada orador deve preparar uma intervenção pública de 6 minutos e 40 segundos acompanhada, eventualmente, de elementos visuais. De resto, só existem 3 modalidades de apresentação:
1 - Conjunto de 20 imagens (o designado "20x20");
2 - Conjunto de imagens animadas (extensão GIF, ou outra), sem esquecer os 20 segundos por imagem;
3 - Filme/vídeo com a duração máxima de 6 minutos e 40 segundos.
VOL.1: Applications
The Pecha Kucha Night Guimarães, Volume 01, has just arrived!
The first edition of this event "20x20" is scheduled for 15 October 2011 - time and place will be presented afterwards.
The coordination of the event is under the responsibility of the architects José Martins and João Rosmaninho DS.
Applications should be sent no later than 01 October to: pechakucha.guimaraes@gmail.com.
Follow us on facebook too!
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Those who are interested should send the following information:
1 - Name + age + contacts (email and mobile phone);
2 - Creative area + website (if any);
3 - Synopsis of the presentation + 3 illustrative *.jpg files of the presentation.
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The PKN-SERIES consists in the submission of a "20x20" work, i.e. using 20 images with a duration of 20 seconds each.
The official rules say that each speaker should prepare a public speech of 6 minutes and 40 seconds, accompanied, where appropriate, with visual elements. In addition, there are only three types of presentation:
1 - Set of 20 images (called "20x20");
2 - A set of animated images (GIF extension, or other), always keeping in mind the 20 seconds per image;
3 - film / video with a maximum duration of 6 minutes and 40 seconds.
The first edition of this event "20x20" is scheduled for 15 October 2011 - time and place will be presented afterwards.
The coordination of the event is under the responsibility of the architects José Martins and João Rosmaninho DS.
Applications should be sent no later than 01 October to: pechakucha.guimaraes@gmail.com.
Follow us on facebook too!
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Those who are interested should send the following information:
1 - Name + age + contacts (email and mobile phone);
2 - Creative area + website (if any);
3 - Synopsis of the presentation + 3 illustrative *.jpg files of the presentation.
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The PKN-SERIES consists in the submission of a "20x20" work, i.e. using 20 images with a duration of 20 seconds each.
The official rules say that each speaker should prepare a public speech of 6 minutes and 40 seconds, accompanied, where appropriate, with visual elements. In addition, there are only three types of presentation:
1 - Set of 20 images (called "20x20");
2 - A set of animated images (GIF extension, or other), always keeping in mind the 20 seconds per image;
3 - film / video with a maximum duration of 6 minutes and 40 seconds.